Moderator and Super User ranks are particular groups. A user gets the moderation status as long they fit and follow all the conditions of being a moderator and being very helpful, very kind, positive, acting mature and well behaved towards users of this community. Such position is voluntarily and requires enough experience to do moderation tasks.
Asking for this position automatically gets disqualified as it is clearly explained on this FAQ sub page (
How to become Moderator?).
Whilst for Super User, these users are high skilled on some or various fields of creativity such as mapping, modding, skinning etc. Those who work hard and upload a large number of high quality files with hard work get this title.
By the way, just to clarify the categorization of rank groups. S-Mod (a.k.a. Super Moderator or how you name it) doesn't exist within the list of ranks and getting any of those isn't that easy nor ask-able. With that said, you will not get any of these titles in any way since
DC is the only person who decides. Furthermore, do not expect that you want one of these titles for personal benefits purposes otherwise you're deeply wrong on this statement then.