howto get mod on
super-user,mod,s-mod etc. ?? pls help thx
Admin/mod comment
Do not use capital letters on your thread title, it's immature! Title changed. /ZxC Moderator and Super User ranks are particular groups. A user gets the moderation status as long they fit and follow all the conditions of being a moderator and being very helpful, very kind, positive, acting mature and well behaved towards users of this community. Such position is voluntarily and requires enough experience to do moderation tasks.
Asking for this position automatically gets disqualified as it is clearly explained on this FAQ sub page (
How to become Moderator?).
Whilst for Super User, these users are high skilled on some or various fields of creativity such as mapping, modding, skinning etc. Those who work hard and upload a large number of high quality files with hard work get this title.
By the way, just to clarify the categorization of rank groups. S-Mod (a.k.a. Super Moderator or how you name it) doesn't exist within the list of ranks and getting any of those isn't that easy nor ask-able. With that said, you will not get any of these titles in any way since
DC is the only person who decides. Furthermore, do not expect that you want one of these titles for personal benefits purposes otherwise you're deeply wrong on this statement then. edited 1×, last 09.05.16 05:55:01 pm
As an addition to what
GeoB99 said: Trust me, you don't need any of these titles. I had one of them for a long time, and it's work. Just work. Nothing else. You won't enjoy it, you won't feel pride in it. It's work. Contrary to what
ohaz stated, it's not just work. You get recognition. That recognition is not necessary though since in the end we're all users just like you.
If you want to help unrealsoftware, contribute - with files, meaningful responses and little to no rule violations. All titles recognize you for being capable or having done something but you get little to no benefits of having them and that's completely fine.
As long as you enjoy being on the site, any title ('User' included) will be just fine.
If you insist on having another user rank, stay in this site. You'll see how things work around here. What's good, what's bad, you'll learn a lot, meet a lot of childish and a lot of wonderful people and just get to be a part of small but in my opinion great community. And then, someone will recognize you.
Happy browsing. @
Rainoth: Of course you get recognition. But compared to what normal users think, it's really tons of work. You have to read every post, you have to decide if that post violates any rule. A lot of times you get a shitstorm for what you do. It's fun, when you like helping the page get better and when you can ignore all the negativity you get in PMs.
GeoB99 has written
Moderator and Super User ranks are particular groups. An user [...]
It's "a user"
When "u" makes the same sound as the "y" in "you," or "o" makes the same sound as a "w" in "one," then "a" is used. The word-initial "y" sound ("unicorn") is actually a glide [j] phonetically, which has consonantal properties; consequently, it is treated as a consonant, requiring "a."
a union
a united front
a unicorn
a used napkin
a U.S. ship
a one-legged man Admin/mod comment
A note to
uLtR4 and to everyone else who wants to fix a user's grammar or spelling: Send them a private message.
It's better that way. Once they fix their post your post no longer makes sense as the mistake is gone. This may seem like abusing power if I did it but your post legitimately breaks a rule,
ohaz: you were a good mod, it was hard work but it was also fun, because you were sadistic and you enjoyed banning us for weeks why don't you admit it you sick bastard? wHY? Of course, @
ohaz: is by far the best good lookin mod and ranked MVP. And knows the best ganja to smoke. Silly still doesn't want to a mod again why.... You can find backdoor on this website or game and get Security rank
DC Admin
Actually what
Gaios said is legit...
Or you just follow the rules and be an active user who contributes a lot. This increases your chances to get a higher rank but this does NOT guarantee that you will get one! Be aware of that! I only give people higher ranks when I (or people I trust / the democratic majority) think(s) it makes sense.
Also keep in mind what
ohaz said because it's also true. Higher ranks (especially moderator) come with a lot of power and responsibility. It's not just like "hey look I have a fancy rank". It's rather like "I have this rank because I earned it by investing a lot of time and thoughts - in the past, now and in future."
GeoB99 has written
Moderator and Super User ranks are particular groups. A user gets the moderation status as long they fit and follow all the conditions of being a moderator and being very helpful, very kind, positive, acting mature and well behaved towards users of this community. Such position is voluntarily and requires enough experience to do moderation tasks.
Unfortunately, not everyone chooses to follow these guidelines. Not gonna get into a massive flame war here, but some of these "special" ranks get to people's head and think they're above everyone else. Really childish behaviour if you ask me.
Few months ago, I sent a message to DC regarding a suspension I received for going off-topic once, not even a warning. I agree, I was in the wrong, but a suspension? That's just stupidity. Behaviour like that will lose players from the community.
I miss the old days, when we had a good moderation team, such as Flying Lizard, EwokChieftain, Justin, etc.
CS2DKc has written
some of these "special" ranks get to people's head and think they're above everyone else. Really childish behaviour if you ask me.
if you're talking about Yates then you should know that he has always been rude it has nothing to do with his 'rank', he's not anymore though, and he apologized to you so get over it.
I agree with you on the offtopic, it doesn't deserve a 24 hour temp ban. He's talking about how he was temp banned for 24 hours just cause of a picture he posted.
EDITED: Sorry, its was
Starkkz ... Also zxc does give an fair temp.ban. edited 1×, last 10.05.16 02:53:35 pm
This time the contenders for off-topic are:
Ahmad and
Sparty. If you want to discuss moderation team, go to the following thread:
Discussion About Moderators. I'll comment it on myself that t.bans are given fairly and I have seen only one moderator abuse them (who is no longer a moderator). If you believe the duration is too long, don't break the rule. If you were punished by
GeoB99, he's the newest moderator so mistakes happen.
Now he can decide to t.ban the 4 of us since we're breaking a rule. It would be justified, you know.
Lets get back on topic (although it has been answered in great detail already).
Ahmad has written
he apologized to you so get over it.
Please, don't put words into my mouth. That only leads to a flame war you can't win.
Rainoth has written
This time the contenders for off-topic are:
How did I go off-topic? This whole topic discussion is about "special ranks" is it not? Also in my previous post, I wasn't just referring to the moderation team. I just want to make that very clear.
Rainoth has written
If you were punished by
GeoB99, he's the newest moderator so mistakes happen.
To be honest, and don't get offended from what I'm about to say, but I'd say, his got more experienced than yourself. Just by going through your last few recent submissions if you will, they're very unprofessional and I'll explain why.
Screenshot #1
That's pretty much flame right there, saying "wat" because of his English skills isn't as good as your own. You couldn't even spell "what" right yourself.
Screenshot #2
You call me out for going off-topic, what is this? That's a hippocratic. The title and original post is pretty clear on what the topic is: How to gain a special rank on
Not how you feel about current moderators. As Rainoth said, there is a different thread for that. Each time you reply you are going off topic even further. Don't kid yourself. @
CS2DKc: Yates does have a point. Each topic in US belongs to its discussion. Even though this thread is about how can you acquire a special rank on this website (i.e. moderator - hence the word itself) you're talking now about what do you think about the moderators of this community. It defeats the whole point of the original topic.
Now I don't ignore your post or else as you seem to be kinda frustrated but if you ever feel that's something wrong just contact me or
DC. The private message function exists for a reason as we can discuss such things privately.
With that said, I hereby wish to everyone to refrain at going Off-Topic! Anyone who (even at the slightest way) replies posts which do not fit with the original topic will shall get a temporary ban for that. Hope that it sounds clearly for you.