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English Unreal Software is getting filled up with trash

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old Unreal Software is getting filled up with trash

Deleted User

I created this topic because it's getting really annoying, I mean seriously. Everyday I see more and more stolen/resized/edited/bad files in the archive.
I mean, just look at that:

file File does not exist (14438)
file File does not exist (14437)
file File does not exist (14436)
file File does not exist (14432)
file File does not exist (14429)
file File does not exist (14428)

Most of the files that were uploaed recently, all of them are stolen/edited/bad files.

I know that it will most likely never happen, but:
Please, users of Unreal Software, stop uploading bad files, think twice before uploading!

Also, it might be a good idea if DC will add a rule against bad files, this rule will keep Unreal Software clean from that type of files. So what do you think? Is it a good idea? Or should I just give up and stop hoping for the best?

old Re: Unreal Software is getting filled up with trash

Admin On Online

Unfortunately rules don't really stop people from creating and uploading crap. It would be just an additional pointless rule that nobody cares about. And I'm trying to keep the number of rules as low as possible. So better forget this "idea".

It's actually a complicated topic. Which stuff is "bad" and should be removed? Where to draw the line?

We already delete many bad files here (and sometimes we also temp ban people for uploading crappy files). So the stuff you linked is not even the worst stuff that got uploaded.

old Re: Unreal Software is getting filled up with trash

Thug Life
User Off Offline

Yeah, DC has right, so let these kids to burn in hell with them crap/stolen stuff

Kids never will listen us, so they will don't give a fuck about this topic. They will continue to upload bad and bad and stolen and crap stuff

A good thing to do is to ban a part of them and then, maybe, they will listen us cause everyday more kids made accounts here, everyday upload bad stuff and a part of them have more than 1 account and nobody do
anything to stop this kids invasion
edited 2×, last 06.10.13 06:33:00 pm

old Re: Unreal Software is getting filled up with trash

Moderator Off Offline

Also, it might be a good idea if DC will add a rule against bad files, this rule will keep Unreal Software clean from that type of files

It's not. There's no good definition of "good" or "bad". It all depends on your personal preferences. Look at all these... these.. these kind of people (lets just say it in that way). They like each other's works. Now look at us, we don't like the files. If file Is liked by them but not us, does it make the file good or bad ? It would be a bit dumb to say that a file is bad just because the "mature" users don't like. Still, I'll have to agree that I don't really like to see "New file uploads" with bad files uploaded almost everyday.

Let me suggest a probably bad idea : "If file doesn't get X ammount of likes in Y ammount of months, then file can be either 'marked' as unpopular/bad/however you wish to call it OR to be deleted, where X is would be quite low (basically if used with this concept, only files with below 10 likes would be 'marked'"
I used quote symbols quite dumb but pardon me...

There will always be good stuff and bad stuff. If there's no filter, you'll just have to sort them yourself. I don't usually read files that have "NEW/<Insert uploader's name>/Tibia/RPG/similar stuff" in them. I also put my cursor on file and look at that tiny screenshot (thumbnail, no ?) to see what it is.

old Re: Unreal Software is getting filled up with trash

User Off Offline

Perhaps the file archive list on the main page can simply show files with likes totaling higher than some number? The problem then is that I doubt many people actually view the file archive from it's own page. Meh.

old Re: Unreal Software is getting filled up with trash

User Off Offline

@user VADemon: Probably not, no. But I would like to see a site with backup of all best files of


@topic: Just let moderators delete duplicates of files and files without proper description / screenshots (if needed). Also take care about zips inside another zips. By the way, I see that useigor doesn't care about file archive and forum as he expected himself to do so ( ).

old Re: Unreal Software is getting filled up with trash

Thug Life
User Off Offline

@user Avo: Don't accuse user useigor that he didn't do his moderator work cause he did and do his work very good than another moderators from here.
I know that more "retarded" users want to see that user useigor will lose his moderator, but never this will happen.
Stop to accuse a man, who did and do his job very good, that he never did his job!

old Re: Unreal Software is getting filled up with trash

User Off Offline

user Avo has written
By the way, I see that useigor doesn't care about file archive and forum as he expected himself to do so ( ).

Dude, Useigor is busy with Half Life 2D and some other stuff, he can't moderate Unrealsoftware 24/7.

old Re: Unreal Software is getting filled up with trash

User Off Offline

@jela useigor should be 24/7 since he told us that the moderators doesn't do their job. So whats the point of demoting ohaz since useigor is having no time like ohaz had.
@DC, useigor just wants to proove us that if he is a moderator now everything is just sweet and peace on he is just getting too involved in here.

old Re: Unreal Software is getting filled up with trash

User Off Offline

@user DC: He is, but my point was:
user Jarates has written
useigor should be 24/7 since he told us that the moderators doesn't do their job
useigor was complaining that moderators don't do their job as they should ("24/7"), but he wasn't aware of that it's impossible. Shouldn't we start to complain about it again? (please, don't answer)

old Re: Unreal Software is getting filled up with trash

BANNED Off Offline

Jarates has written
useigor should be 24/7 since he told us that the moderators doesn't do their job.
He failed to be 24/7, he should be demoted :Evil: ( soz for teh +1).
RapuhG has written
Stop to accuse a man, who did and do his job very good

Haha, funny man you are!

Srsly. It's not the 1st of April, DC. It's not funny anymore. Suddenly you started caring about the file archive and hiring annoying ass mods that are socialy awkward.
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