Admin/mod comment
Moved /ohaz That isn't a bug, a temp. ban is when a moderator or administrator locks the users because they violate the rules.
Starkkz has written
That isn't a bug, a temp. ban is when a moderator or administrator locks the users because they violate the rules.
But why his name is in ?
CaneCorso: It's possibly someone who modified the text with the built-in debugger/editor in either Mozilla Firefox, Opera or another browser. Else it was done via use of other tools such as Firebug, so it's nothing really new (at least to me). It's a debugger for code related things and can modify pages locally and therefor making it look like you're actually changing something on the webserver but you're really just editing it locally (basically page is served to you, you edit it). Then you created a screenshot of it and posted it here.
Well it's either that or it's a temp ban that were created by
Infinite Rain long ago, so I think it's pretty self-explanatory.
Two mods posted here but did not move the thread to the proper section.
Thumbs up to you guys. @
Yates: I knew that someone would do this.
On_Topic : Or we wait until the creator of this website answers this, he is clearly the creator afterall. Damn, the memories.
I was a moderator long time ago, but got demoted.
, you was Mod :d .
You have been demoted because you abused
Next time dont do it
I haven't abused, go read the thread properly.
Oh, and there's no "next time"
User can give temp-ban if he's a moderator. If temp. ban is < 1 Minute, then it means user didn't login yet. It will be removed when he'll login. @
mafia_man: I didn't know that! That explains how a ban from such a long time still holds -- at such a coincidence too.
I've also seen users stuck with 4 week bans along with their mode being banned. When a user is fully banned, is the temporary timer stuck as well? It's not like it matter anyway. 0a User
Apache uwu has written
mafia_man: I didn't know that! That explains how a ban from such a long time still holds -- at such a coincidence too.
I've also seen users stuck with 4 week bans along with their mode being banned. When a user is fully banned, is the temporary timer stuck as well? It's not like it matter anyway.
You have to login to start your tempban. If the user is permabanned, he can't login so the tempban will stay forever. Though moderation team can remove the tempban.