Unreal Software
bye bye unrealsoftware
bye bye unrealsoftware
2 replies im leaving unrealsoftware.de since got bored..
before i go. this some feedbacks i made for unrealsoftware.de
here is my review to cs2d
fun : 7/10
i picked 7/10 well, cs2d can be fun as always if you have a good script or else you will get bored playing the same old game mode again and again
action : 6/10
a good game always have a an action. cs2d is fun when playing Multiplayer but what p***ses me of is this hackers. you know.. having fun in a game or a server then a this looser joined in and ruined it.
your own style : 8.6/10
map editor is fine to be honest, making script for your own server is really is fine and chance of attracting people, citylife,rpg,tibia,zplauge,dayz and the normal cs2d they are awesome and whats more awesome is that you can make your own skins and map. cs2d deserve's more players
fairness : 5.6/10
well it depends really, if you play on a server with a unfair admin, automatically he will move crappy players into other team and makes it noob team, im just sayin but actually this doesn't count as a review(just a review to crappy servers out there).
additional review.
bots : 4.4/10
well yeah, they act like a total hacker, i know you can edit the bots.lua but you know. the original bot just sucks, gotta admit it. well its fun playing zombie mod with them but playing normal game-mode it just don't fit to cs2d.
carnage contest review
CC : 8.2/10
its awesome and pretty fun if playing with players, i like the way that you know.. you can mod it and stuffs and make it more awesome, map editor is real pain to use but gotta get used to it.
stranded series : 9.5/10
just brilliant, its just brilliant... you know, surviving and hunting for foods or building shelter. all the fun you need is in this game, recommended
unrealsoftware : alright
unrealsoftware has 4 sides
1.) troll
2.)spammer attack
3.) sh*t file uploaders
4.) normal people
bye bye unrealsoftware.de i hope you comunity grow more better than ever!
Oh fuck I thought some people would never leave.
Bye, no one cares fyi. DC Admin
No "Hi I'm new" or "I leave" threads please. They always result in spam and shitstorms. Thanks for the review anyway.