Hello, I'm creating this thread because I am awefully confused about: §5.5 - Do not comment rule violations or spam
I saw this thread where Yamaxanadu was told not to act like a moderator. Now, I once got a temp ban for doing something similar ( telling Paygra and some other okes that you are not supposed to speak Russian in the forum/file archives as they are meant for English/German only ) and I am confused as to why a simple reminder would constitute as 'acting like a moderator.'
Could DC or one of the moderators clear this up a bit?
It's stop shit such as backseat modding. Obviously, when you're going around telling people to stop being dicks or tell them that they're breaking the rules (when you're not a moderator) then it's considered backseat modding.
I honestly doubt that any of the moderators who have been elected on here have commented on rule violations or spam before they were moderators. And I'm sure they were chosen simply because they were more trustworthy and helpful around the site.
that rule (5.5) has one simple reason: avoiding off-topic posts from users. there are moderators around here which will sooner or later see rule violations and handle them as they are supposed to be handled (with a admin/mod comment or a temp ban).
you can still send pms to users who violate rules to tell them that they are doing something wrong - but this will be waste of time because mods will care about it anyway.
especially the last part of the rule "do not comment rule violations or spam" is crucial. imagine 10 users commenting one single violation.. it would lead to a huge pile of unnecessary posts. it's much better if a moderator handles it and users continue to talk about the real topic.
so again in short: it's all about avoiding dumb off-topic posts. nothing more and nothing less.
so if you are unsure if you are about to behave like a moderator: verify if your post is about the actual topic or just about a rule violation. in the latter case: don't post it!
That's why there is a 'shortage' on moderators. --
It's not like UnrealSoftware is the most active forum on the internet. Do we really need 10, 20 or even 30 moderators for a forum that doesn't get posted on a lot?
the first part is basically the same. the rule repeats itself in itself.
behaving like a moderator = commenting rule violations (but of course also some other things like writing "closed" in a thread without actually being able to close it - like oxytamine already demonstrated a few posts above. I probably don't have to explain why something like that doesn't make much sense...)
by the way: a new trend that sucks as well is users that are speculating about a thread being closed. it's annoying.
Note that this was just a demonstration - I never did so in any other topics. By the way, DC has just almost mentioned what I said. We are not supposed to post in these "rule-breaking" threads, there are mods for that. By posting in, we often create huge wave of spam... Which is funny sometimes.
Moderators? WHERE?!
I didnt notice any activity of moders last time.
DC can u do something like that: creator of topic will be moderator in this topic that will be more easy.
And it will safe post from useless coments and rules violation.
Moderators? WHERE?!
I didnt notice any activity of moders last time.
LOL! it's kinda ironic that you are posting that right after a post of EngiN33R who actually is a moderator. hilarious.
the "being mod of own threads" thing has been discussed and declined already (and it's off-topic. please don't discuss it here).