
help stranded 2 editor
9 replies and please answer
Admin/mod comment
Picture linked, too big filesize. /HWIt's the button with the piece of paper on it.
And by the way, you should use the JPG fileformat for fotos and screenshots, other formats would be too big for such stuff (like your PNG-Screenshot, wich has a filesize of more than 750 kB)
HW has written
And by the way, you should use the JPG fileformat for fotos and screenshots, other formats would be too big for such stuff (like your PNG-Screenshot, wich has a filesize of more than 750 kB)
PNG is fine as long as it's compressed well (Level 9), has indexed colors and no alpha. OT, sry.
skiper has written
its still dont work man look at6 the screen here and tell my is it somethink from here wich should be changed and please answer and please answer
hehe ... heightmap bearbitten

Or is it that the German version uses the term "heightmap"? Well, "Höhenkarte" regrettably has not quite caught on yet :/.
@ Skiper: You really do not speak much more English than I speak bulgarian, do you?

EwokChieftain has written
@ Skiper: You really do not speak much more English than I speak bulgarian, do you? 

am yeah im making too much spelling mistakes
but the good is that i already know the answer for my problem