Counting down to zero than 20
I need counter code
Can you help please?
count = 20 addhook ("second","sec") function sec() if (count>0) then count = count - 1 msg (count) else --event end end
count = 20 for i,20,-1 do 	count = i 	-- Your commands here... end
function hudtxt2(id,i,txt,x,y,algin) 	if not algin then algin = 0 end 	parse([[hudtxt2 ]][[ ]]..i..[[ "]]..txt..[[" ]]..x..[[ ]]..y..[[ ]]..algin) end function timehud() 	for _,pl in ipairs(player(0,"table")) do 		if sec >= 10 and h >= 10 then 			hudtxt2(pl,1,"©072118255"..h..":"..sec,290,440,0) 		elseif sec >= 10 and h < 10 then 			hudtxt2(pl,1,"©0721182550"..h..":"..sec,290,440,0) 		elseif sec < 10 and h >= 10 then 			hudtxt2(pl,1,"©072118255"..h..":0"..sec,290,440,0) 		elseif sec < 10 and h < 10 then 			hudtxt2(pl,1,"©072118255: 0"..h..":0"..sec,290,440,0) 		end 	end end sec = 59 h = 24 addhook([[second]],[[seconder]]) function seconder() 	if sec <= 0 then 		sec = 59 		h = h - 1 	end 	if h <= 0 then 		--event 	end 	sec = sec - 1 	timehud() end