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Englisch VG Tileset Creator 3

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alt VG Tileset Creator 3

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VG Tileset Creator v3.0 By VaiN

(EDIT: this is now very outdated, missing links and such. If you are interested, send me a PM and I'll see about updating this.)

Sorry, the images are lost

     The main focus of this program is to work with tiles as objects when
     creating a tileset.
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Compressed archive includes an executable, a readme, and the source code.
Portable, no installation is required. Program was created with VB.Net 2010.

Requires .Net Framework! Get the latest version Here

Supported Operating Systems:
Any 32-bit/64-bit windows OS.
Was created in Windows 7.

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22× editiert, zuletzt 07.07.17 22:34:02

alt Re: VG Tileset Creator 3

Moderator Off Offline

this can be cross ported to linux via the mono framework (A recompilation of the solution is necessary under Mono) and should theoretically be able to be back ported to XP as well unless you've used any advanced introspection features (not simple reflection of the attribute through instance variables) it should be no problem.

alt Re: VG Tileset Creator 3

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@Zune5 Sry I forgot to add the screenshots, first post has been updated.

@leegao Thanks for the tip. I had never heard of Mono, I will definately look into this.

alt Re: VG Tileset Creator 3

User On Online

Works fine under Windows XP 32bit
Seems not to work with WINE under Linux (tested with Ubuntu 32Bit)

alt Re: VG Tileset Creator 3

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TheKilledDeath hat geschrieben
Works fine under Windows XP 32bit
Seems not to work with WINE under Linux (tested with Ubuntu 32Bit)

Thanks for the feedback. I was assuming it would work fine in XP 32-bit, glad to have confirmation. Linux support is something I am looking into more, but not much progress. Tried the mono framework and it seems to support all of the functions but it was giving unexpected functionality results.

@doom15 What operating system are you running? Have you installed .Net framework?

alt Re: VG Tileset Creator 3

User Off Offline

Can You Make Upload The File In Other Site? I Can't Download It On Rapidshare. You Can Use Megaupload To Upload It. Please Use Another Site So I/We Can Download It. Cause It Looks Interesting.

alt Re: VG Tileset Creator 3

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silence_shadow hat geschrieben
Can You Make Upload The File In Other Site? ... You Can Use Megaupload To Upload It.

Done Check the first post for the link.

alt Re: VG Tileset Creator 3

User Off Offline

WTF! Megaupload Said "Download Limit Exceeded" Argh!

Wait A Sec! Why Are You Using Other Sites Anyway? If You Can Use To Host The File Which When Downloading Is Fast Cause No More Waits


I Downloaded It But Its Not Working
2× editiert, zuletzt 25.08.09 11:28:38

alt Re: VG Tileset Creator 3


its nice program but you CANT copy ALL tiles to put them on other TILESET.. only copy 1 that needs to be changed that you can select all tiles.

alt Re: VG Tileset Creator 3

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@silence_shadow Sorry you had problems with the download. I uploaded it to and made it the "Get it Here" link. I chose rapidshare because it has worked wonderfully for me thousands of times now and files less than 1MB don't have any waiting time anyway. I'm not as familiar with megaupload but it also does not have any waiting time for me either (and I don't pay for either service). Also could you please elaborate more on "not working"? Did you get any error? Have you installed .net framework?

Surviver hat geschrieben
its nice program but you CANT copy ALL tiles to put them on other TILESET.. only copy 1 that needs to be changed that you can select all tiles.

Why would you want to select and copy all of them? That is what the save button is for. If you need to copy from one tileset to another you can always open two instances of the application and do it that way. I will try adding support for multiple selections in the next release, but that will be a lot of work and will cause a huge headache when dealing with the drag&drop and such. This was really intended more for creating original tilesets rather than copying tiles from others, but I'll see what I can do.

alt Re: VG Tileset Creator 3


yes but you need to copy all the time only 1 tile not like 5 or more then 100 to put on other tileset but you need to press CTRL+C then 1 tile not more, then paste it or move it to the other tileset... that will take 1 day for it.
1× editiert, zuletzt 25.08.09 13:24:17

alt Re: VG Tileset Creator 3

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silence_shadow hat geschrieben
Well I Downloaded That Program. But It Failed To Be Install In My PC Cause It Needs Windows 3.1

Hmmm. It doesn't need installed because it is an executable. And it was created in vista and has nothing to do with windows 3.1, in fact I very highly doubt it would run in 3.1 at all. Make sure you have installed .Net Framework 2.0 or higher or it won't run. What operating system are you using?

@Surviror I will try to add this to the next release. Although it didn't seem to take very long (maybe 5 min) to copy&paste 255 tiles while I tested it. Either way it is still a heck of a lot more convenient than doing it without this program at all, so at least it still saves a substantial amount of time.

alt Re: VG Tileset Creator 3

Moderator Off Offline

@VaiN What exceptions are getting thrown when you try to compile the project under Mono?

alt Re: VG Tileset Creator 3

Moderator Off Offline

I saw exacly same tool before...
Still I dont know why people need tool like these.
1× editiert, zuletzt 12.03.11 18:49:18

alt Re: VG Tileset Creator 3

User Off Offline

i really like this program. the best thing is that you can select tiles that are 32x32. i had troubles selecting tiles. example: i didnt know where does tile begin or end, so i could pick an piece thats neighbours tile color.
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