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English literally_fnaf1 >

1 comment3 kb, 41 Downloads

old literally_fnaf1

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long ago, i used to create these maps for fun, and i lost 'em due to getting a new computer and basically everything else that i've made locally was lost to time.

i decided to make this for old-time's sake, nostalgia and fun, and i'd like to rather come back to my maps instead of losing them.

it's a bit half-assed, i do admit, but i'd think i did a rather swell job at the first map i've created in a long while. now, whoever comes across this post feel free to go ahead and download this and give the map a lil' exploration, that never hurt anybody now, did it?

might update this later on, flesh out the description and stuff if i don't abandon this entire thing
Approved by EngiN33R

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