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English Performance in CS2D

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old Re: Performance in CS2D

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@user Ranu: What you mean with random solutions? I'm talking about my experience with intel gpus and got a irl friend who used to have a bad pc like him. For cs2d is enough to run at max speed unless the pc is not well optimized. You could have a beast pc but if you fill will trash expect to not perform good.
Everyone knows the easy way is to buy a new pc or upgrade the specs but he asked for help for some reason.

old Re: Performance in CS2D

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@user slimK:
Discussing based on logic, and experience is way different than just experience. The author of this thread has claimed he had no GPU, so that should clarify to everyone that there is no way in hell they'd be able to reach high performance in CS2D.

The most decent solution that is software and not hardware is just what many of them recommended the author to install the suitable "GPU driver" BUT That wouldn't be able to help much either considering they are running CS2D in DirectX with no GPU, however, that could help him with running CS2D in OpenGL at almost the same FPS as what his device is capable of running CS2D currently in DirectX. I'm almost sure of that he is currently getting error when he runs CS2D in OpenGL, and runs at very poor performance compared to their DX9.
An alternative to this, would be replacing opengl32.dll in System32 Folder with the suitable one for those without/with poor GPUs.

To put it in short: No one will be able to reach high FPS in CS2D with no GPU no matter what they do.

Common optimizations that most people have been misled into thinking they work such as:
- Disabling Windows Visuals / Animations
- Cleaning Folders generally its %temp%
- Disk Clean Up
- Windows Update
even high performance settings and using third party to exploit their CPU to the maximum power its capable of would NOT be able to help in this case.

Those solutions above other than the last one and the Windows update (only if its driver-related, sometimes resulting even in worse drivers and worse performance), are commonly being repeated, there is almost no scenario where the user's hardware would be in a way so that those could help in anyway.
edited 2×, last 20.09.24 03:13:14 pm

old Re: Performance in CS2D

Super User Off Offline

You are wrong here Ranu. If he does not have video acceleration enabled due to non installed GPU drivers (because Win 7 didn't install drivers for you), he will indeed have very bad time of running the game.

He could also try to run the game with OpenGL. So there is a lot options, yes, he could get a new PC and yeah he should, but if he cannot afford or there is a certain reason, don't push him. I remember when I was 15 everyone was like GET A JOB... fuck you, like not all countries has option for teens who live in the middle of nowhere to get a job... Obviously once you are adult you have options, but you never know what's like to be in other's skin within a completely different country, especially from countries like Egypt, no offence, but its way worse than most countries in Europe or US, or even Russia.

old Re: Performance in CS2D

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user slimK has written
Whats the status? Still the same?

became better than before , there is only one step that i didn't apply , it is updating my Windows 7

@user slimK: has written
@user Ranu: What you mean with random solutions? I'm talking about my experience with intel gpus and got a irl friend who used to have a bad pc like him. For cs2d is enough to run at max speed unless the pc is not well optimized. You could have a beast pc but if you fill will trash expect to not perform good.
Everyone knows the easy way is to buy a new pc or upgrade the specs but he asked for help for some reason.

SlimK , you are right at this point
Optimizing pc and updating its drivers can introduce to best performance than the pc with no updated drivers

old Re: Performance in CS2D

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user Marcell has written
You are wrong here Ranu. If he does not have video acceleration enabled due to non installed GPU drivers (because Win 7 didn't install drivers for you), he will indeed have very bad time of running the game.

He could also try to run the game with OpenGL. So there is a lot options, yes, he could get a new PC and yeah he should, but if he cannot afford or there is a certain reason, don't push him. I remember when I was 15 everyone was like GET A JOB... fuck you, like not all countries has option for teens who live in the middle of nowhere to get a job... Obviously once you are adult you have options, but you never know what's like to be in other's skin within a completely different country, especially from countries like Egypt, no offence, but its way worse than most countries in Europe or US, or even Russia.

Well marcell, I don't think I was wrong there. I can tell you one thing for sure that he will not be able to get over 30 average FPS over period of a minute in a normal map regardless of whatever he does related to software.

Regarding others' replies, there is no driver to update when you have no GPU.
Also, using
will not improve anything. That command line is related to CPU, and not GPU. Other than that, only thing it does is sets the priority of the process as high, however, in Windows, it doesn't really affect anything unless there is full load on the CPU by other processes which would be almost never and even if it does, the effect would be very trivial and unnoticeable.

Him talking about improvements I'm sure is just to satisfy people here, and likely just a placebo effect. If he were to share the before/after average FPS, I can bet in both instances they'd be around the same.

If you still think I am wrong here, prove me wrong by showing me you can achieve a decent average fps in CS2D with no GPU.
edited 1×, last 20.09.24 09:48:05 pm

old Re: Performance in CS2D

Super User Off Offline

I literally have a T400 Thinkpad, that without proper drivers can't do shit, heck can't even start GTA Vice City, but once I install those drivers (modded though) they can run Vice City pretty well.

Now I know Vice City is not such a modern game, but we are talking about an Intel GMA 4500 ... and there is no such a thing as no GPU, there is always a GPU, its just iGPU in his case.

Either way, it would worth a try for him to check it, worst scenario, he has to buy a better PC in the future... or some cheap dGPU.
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