Maybe I should add the random buttons also for regular users so they can see random files and explore the file archive that way (of course not with a only unreviewed files restriction then)
Since we're on the topic, I'd personally like to ask users not to comment on their files just to thank someone for approving their file, or for the reviewers to comment about their review on a file, except in extraordinary circumstances. I've already seen examples of both: here and here. All it really is is adding spam and reviving very old files, which doesn't strike me as the best thing to do. Am I alone in thinking this?
EDIT: I should make it clear that I'm mostly talking about old files. It's fine if it was uploaded a few days ago.
I don't really see it as a big deal. It's not like commenting on a file bumps them to the frontpage like on the forums. But if everyone agrees to it, I will too.
@ Yates: It's not bad. Many users do it. Me included. If you like a file or want to leave a comment, go ahead. Just cause it's old doesn't mean you can't comment on it
@ Sparty: If it's any kind of file. If you want to comment on a file, do it. What's wrong is reviving old files for no reason. Technically, you should be able comment at all times because comments that aren't useful are not exactly needed and so they would be breaking a rule I think. Comment however, whenever, wherever you like as long as you actually have something to say.
i feel like if u try to search for a file (using search ), u should be able to find it even if it is denied...maybe put them at the back of the results
If you do have any plan to add subsections to the Skin/Sprite section (eg. a section for each individual weapon) then you can kill two birds with one stone.
I'm liking this new pass/fail thing for the review. It'll actually help me learn how to make better ones and not " 5 minute" sprites, aka my old old files. Anyway, congrats to the new reviewers.