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English About copy names of users

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Poll Poll

Must have a rule about this?

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old Poll About copy names of users

RoPlays - crd
BANNED Off Offline

Should to exist a rule about that any user of this website can copy the name of another user

example: a user register sees a profile he goes and copies the name thus DC 2, what the another user anger do if there is no rules on this?

old Re: About copy names of users

Moderator Off Offline

Well, from want I heard, is that if you use a name that is very similar to other user's name then you're going to get permanently banned. But since user DC unbanned a person who asked for it, I just change their names to the last names they had.

old Re: About copy names of users

Moderator Off Offline

Is not necessary to add a new rule regard having similar nicknames. If a user changed the nickname with a similar one from another person, then we moderators will simply change his copied nickname with the previous one. Unless, if a user just did that to troll or still doing the same thing by changing the nickname with similar one from another user, then we'll punish the user according to his violation what he did.


user DC would only add a new rule in special/critical cases or situations but is unlikely to happen now at the moment. That's my thought anyway.
edited 1×, last 24.07.15 11:24:43 am

old Re: About copy names of users

Admin On Online

100% what user VADemon said.

Introducing even more rules is the worst thing that could possibly happen. It has to be avoided at all cost.

So simple answer to user RoPlays - crd: no, there shouldn't be a new rule ×

To clarify what user Starkkz said: I normally don't ban people for their nicks but I ban them when they are stupid trolls who try to fake accounts by choosing similar nicks.

Sample: I won't ban anyone for choosing the nick "bob2" because "bob" was already taken. It's a generic name. But I would ban bob2 if he would start to behave like bob and use the same avatar and signature because that would show me that he is a stupid fake-troll. Also I would ask someone with the nick "Starkkz2" to change the name because "Starkkz" is not a very generic name and also it would be too easy to confuse the two.

Common sense is sometimes better than a super complicated set of rules.
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