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old About more- and spoiler-tags

Admin On Online

It's getting annoying. I mean REALLY annoying.
Everybody seems to think that it is cool to use spoiler- or more-tags just EVERYWHERE.

The truth is that reading posts with such tags annoys everybody because it forces you to click that stupid thing.

For that reason there is even a rule about this:
Rules §2.4 - Use tags sparingly and only when they add value

But nobody seems to care. But you should care because using these things correctly makes our lifes easier and it can also prevent you from getting temp banned. So here's a short guide which will help you to determine if it makes sense to use spoiler- or more-tags.

Only use it when spoiling something. E.g. the solution to something which others might want to find out themselves, the end of a story etc.
There is no other reason to use this tag! Spoiling only!

You CAN (but you don't have to!) use this tag when your post is very long. This way you can keep it clear.
There is no other reason to use this tag! LONG stuff only!
NEVER EVER use it when the stuff you want to put into it is short. There should be at least a few sentences in it otherwise you are abusing the tag and might receive a temp ban for this.
Also never ever use it for fun shit or for hiding rule violations. You will get an extra long temp ban for the stupid attempt to hide your violations in such a stupid way.
Having just one or a few words / links / smileys in it is always a very clear sign for misuse of this tag. Do not use it for such things.

That's it. I just wanted to make you aware of this problem.

old Re: About more- and spoiler-tags

Apache uwu
User Off Offline

You should also mention nesting of these tags, clearly, there's no logical application for something like:


old Re: About more- and spoiler-tags

Admin On Online

It actually could make sense to nest spoiler tags if you continue to spoil even more in a spoiler so you can let the reader decide how much he wants to get spoiled.

It could also make sense to nest more tags in case your post is REALLY REALLY REALLY long and needs extra subdivisions for that reason.

That's why the forum software allows you to nest those tags. But of course both scenarios are extremely rare. It normally doesn't make sense to nest them.

old Re: About more- and spoiler-tags

Reviewer Off Offline

The sick mind of annoying people (such as I), finds this funny and therefore might do it anyway.

I suggest you ban people very long even if there is just one misused tag. It would stop people from doing it right away.

Fly with the wind, Peter, fly! FLYY!!2!~~1~

old Re: About more- and spoiler-tags

User Off Offline

Many people do not use tags when they're really needed. For example when posting some code without code tag. Especially really long scripts without code- and more-tag what makes me to scroll bloody lines of unreadable script every time.

You could also mention how to use these tags when they're really needed.There's a diffrence between:
More >
Isn't it?

old Re: About more- and spoiler-tags

Deleted User

DC has written
The truth is that reading posts with such tags annoys everybody because it forces you to click that stupid thing.

That is where the laziness strikes.


BTW, I support this. And you should also add a rule about not using code tags and tabs while posting script.

old Re: About more- and spoiler-tags

User Off Offline

user Yates has written
I suggest you ban people very long even if there is just one misused tag. It would stop people from doing it right away.
It's too cruelly. It would be better if violator had notification for this time and weren't able to close it. But if he do it again then he get very long temp ban.


old Re: About more- and spoiler-tags

Moderator Off Offline

I like useigor's idea. It would be quite convenient.
It's not really that annoying to press on "more" but if you find a spoiler and click it and find ":P" then you instantly think "the .... ,man ?"

old Re: About more- and spoiler-tags

User Off Offline

user DC has written
Also never ever use it for fun shit or for hiding rule violations. You will get an extra long temp ban for the stupid attempt to hide your violations in such a stupid way.
Having just one or a few words / links / smileys in it is always a very clear sign for misuse of this tag. Do not use it for such things.

Eh, and what about seperating a little bit of Off-Topic with a more-tag? I always used the more-tag for that, so, that's why I'm asking.

old Re: About more- and spoiler-tags

Apache uwu
User Off Offline

To be honest, I don't find the occasional smiley in a spoiler tag annoying.


• I don't even click on it to reveal
• I click on it, and get a laugh out of it

It's all in moderation, just like smileys alone. Too much is annoying, but seeing them does brighten up my day.

old Re: About more- and spoiler-tags

BANNED Off Offline

Spoiler >

I hate when someone do like this, so here's idea that maybe will help you a bit, min charts/letters in spoiler = 5/6/7/8/9/10, so that may hel to not annoy ver much or someone will do like this
Spoiler >

BTW you may add bad words system and add in it such words as : lol/lolol/.../lol x99999 . It will help you very much.
Sometimes I see how someone do this:
Spoiler >

and you can add mini-rule (like min. charts) max spaces (or however you would like to name it): 2/3/4/5.
I hope some of my ideas will be added in forum

old Re: About more- and spoiler-tags

Admin On Online

Curiosity forces us to open most of these tags. Please be aware of this.

@user Uglynator: Going off topic is a rule violation as well and I already wrote what I think about "hiding" rule violations in these tags. I get the idea behind it but it's still something bad (as it leads to more off-topic) and you shouldn't do it.

@user Apache uwu: I really don't share this opinion. I think it's pretty frustrating to click at these tags just to see pointless crap like a smiley. It's simply stupid and inappropriate and I can't laugh at it.

@user Pickabu: It can make sense to have spoiler-tags which contain just a word. I won't restrict it for that reason. And restricting just the more-tag is pointless as well because people would simply use the spoiler-tag then.
Discussing technically approaches for this isn't what I wanted to do in this thread anyway. I'm not planning to change anything related to this in the forum software. I just wanted to make people aware of the problem.

old Re: About more- and spoiler-tags

User Off Offline

@user Infinite Rain: Nope, I find it really good organized. Ok, a few points like changelog or "How to make yourself Admin?" could have just a 1 level more-tag.
Personally for me it's pretty hard to make a lot of text look clear (on this website) and I think the next big post I'll make will be in "Starkkz-style" but with a little less more-tags.
edited 1×, last 29.07.13 10:57:06 pm

old Re: About more- and spoiler-tags

Assassin moder
User Off Offline

I only use spoilers and more tags in my thread for make it look better and because of it's easier to find something. Maybe after ban peoples through this rule, simple disable ability to use tags for them?
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