
I am playing de_dust 2
I am near ct spawn,and I say sector clear
Hlj (ct spawn): Sector clear
Or I am near tunnel
Hjl (tunnel): Sector clear
Just like css
It tells you where I am
Hjl(t spawn): I need help
(I hope you understand anything I said
I am near ct spawn,and I say sector clear
Hlj (ct spawn): Sector clear
Or I am near tunnel
Hjl (tunnel): Sector clear
Just like css
It tells you where I am
Hjl(t spawn): I need help
(I hope you understand anything I said

So what you mean is, that if you say something-specifically only available in team chat-on a specific location, the name of the location appears with your team chat message?
It would be helpful but I don't think that is possible yet since we have no callout name entities yet.

When we start loading a map,there will appear some photos of the map (loading bar too),and maybe some gameplay tips

then that gotta be huge map to take to load...


And headshots + sounds of nearby passing bullets + bullets ricochets + different ammo for different caliber weapons + penetration throught obstacles and walls depends on caliber and bullet power + reloading dropped magazines + fragmentation explosions+ properly working silencer/flash suppressor
edited 3×, last 15.05.17 12:38:51 pm
2.The weapons sprite still had higher depth than 3D wall or walls.
3.It is possible to make grenade much like gta2 on ps1?(I mean hold down a button to throw it higher.)

It is possible to make grenade much like gta2 on ps1?(I mean hold down a button to throw it higher.)
I think this should only applicable on servers with forced 3D option because the walls and obstacles have visible height. However, if grenades can pass higher walls, then what about obstacles? Will the grenade bounce back if you don't hold long enough for the grenade to go over the obstacle?

When we start loading a map,there will appear some photos of the map (loading bar too),and maybe some gameplay tips ? 
Sparty: Maybe adding continue button?


First of all, this is not Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Why would you want a game based off from CS1.6 to look like CS:GO? There's mods out there. Also, implementing the loading screen similar to CS:GO is not an easy way to do and I don't see a reason why we need a loading screen since joining a server/loading a map doesn't take time to load.

And most game dev know the scaling trick to give an illusions of grenade gain height.(Shadows works tho)Just like the pseudo 3D does,it give an illusions of 3D block but actually it is not a 3D model.It just sprites forms a 3D block.
edited 1×, last 16.04.17 03:59:44 pm

It is possible to make grenade much like gta2 on ps1?(I mean hold down a button to throw it higher.)
I think this should only applicable on servers with forced 3D option because the walls and obstacles have visible height. However, if grenades can pass higher walls, then what about obstacles? Will the grenade bounce back if you don't hold long enough for the grenade to go over the obstacle?

When we start loading a map,there will appear some photos of the map (loading bar too),and maybe some gameplay tips ? 
Sparty: Maybe adding continue button?


First of all, this is not Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Why would you want a game based off from CS1.6 to look like CS:GO? There's mods out there. Also, implementing the loading screen similar to CS:GO is not an easy way to do and I don't see a reason why we need a loading screen since joining a server/loading a map doesn't take time to load.
The tips seem like a cool thing but i agree that the loading time is so short...
But indeed some tips like
"Run with knife" so essential

This function present in CSGO is useful even implemented into CS2D, I think.
First scope gives a bit bad the 2nd one gives best.
But it gives full damage
Also, I liked the idea of throwing nades with mouse throws nades for less distance.
Maybe, when we change weapons it gives sounds like in csgo.
For me, I'd say to remove bugs after you change your weapon for example change knife to portal you can't use mouse2
even changing from m4a1 to knife. It's probably a bug.
Fix decals''explotions'' the effect that it leaves is too small. By the way, Flare and Flashbangs are really nice when you throw them in a dark place especially when you turn on Flashlight.
Tips for gameplay, some newbies doesn't know how to move.
You could record your voice or someone else voice and do it.
Add a button like ''New game'' or ''Find servers''
Add one like ''Tutorial''.
/and ye,you can't quickly swipe your weapon to portal with clicking second-attack(attack2), the blue portal won't be spawned until cooldown is expired, but with a normal(attack) the orange one would be spawned

When you first startup the game,you should see a new tab(or idk what it called)that full of information. Tip is also as same thing.About that guy who even doesn't know how to move,he probably had ignore it.

Irl that flashbang is not have that long-fade effect,
Dafuq I just read now? In real life, kid, flash grenade making you blind and totally shocked for 20-30 minutes.