
Call me old fashioned, but I used to love throwing grenades through the edges of walls. Made for great camping in de_cs2d since you can get a nade into pretty much anywhere within the A bombsite.
Oh man, artillery bombardment by constantly buying grenades was so cheap but fun.

I played with bots in a very weird map. And... I talked with bots.

Admin/mod comment

I was playing with BOTs ofc...
Just to learn the basics

And i was playing de_dust... and BANG!
I saw Zombie MOD!
My face was like that

I played for hours! and days!
And finnaly i was ready for Online Game!
I saw one server named:
Resident Evil.
I am a BIG fan of RE.
The map name was:
zm_STAR or something like that.
It was Amazing. And i got to rank 3!
Then the server Crashed forever...
Then i found RP!
You guys may know DC server?
Draft City.
And then he crahed and I stared my own server with one guy.

My favorite map was as_plane (i dont know why this map removed)
by the way, bots could be flashed
How i kill bots:
HE => FlashBang => AK47 => Fatal shot with deagle))
then I learned that it is the old version, and there was a beta. I downloaded
since then it is the most available game. And thanks to a present experience, my favorite!
now i remember this old

Re: Your first day of CS2D
Deleted UserI was pro there, but then they changed script! That was totally suck. Then I get new provider and had problems withn internet like for 1.5 year. And after that time I get Vectar666 in my firends. He learnt me scripting.
O wait, it's biography lol.

@H4rDoX, it was v I honestly dont renember, it was summer, i was on my grandfather's laptop, and the only game runing was cs1.6 and cs2d, i never looked at the version.
Understand me, I play CS2D not because other games are not supported. I have a powerful computer, I play because I like the game itself

I found CS2D by googleing 2D then pictures 

i found it on cheater's site for cs 1.6

Whatever me too like RP servers! I played with my friend one summer! I played ago but just now play HARD!

About 2,5 years old saw CS2D !But then i said it suck game. I little ass bcuz I dont knew How to add bots to server!

If i register in 2010 I think I played on servers! In my class 2 friends play this game! Now only me!
Forever alone again !

No, M@tt/Blade Masters made the DraftCity servers.

"Fuuu, boring!!! Hmm... Did anyone made 2D version of Counter-strike, I wonder? Let's search... Ha-ha, I found something. Is it free? Yes. *2 minutes later* Well, let's see what is this game. *10 minutes later* Cool), but... Oh... OMG!!! MAP EDITOR!!! *Hour later* Bugagagaga
! I did it! My first map!..."


*Hour later* Bugagagaga
! I did it! My first map!..."

This is how shit maps are brought to the File Archive.
You sure know

I made my first map: a 5x5 map that will spawn zombies every second.