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English Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

Well it depend on the user also. Usually, the file/s is/are archived in a .zip archive so at the first point is not a problem. However, the problem is when a user can be easily trapped without thinking before executing something. In fact most of the malwares like viruses are executable thingies, that mean they won't infect you (as long you don't execute them of course).

Often the viruses are batch or .exe if I am not wrong and with weird names, generic or something like that (maybe, I don't know exactly), then it could be a potential that is a malware. Of course, there are other malwares that are hidden in .png pictures (which they aren't real pictures at all) and many extensions, also not forget other malwares like Trojans,etc.
If someone has a doubt, the user can use Virus Total as user Talented Doge already mentioned or your anti-virus software from your PC to scan a file.


I don't know if someone already suggested this but...
I'd suggest to fix a small bug in Friends List. When a friend is playing CS2D for example, in Friends List it doesn't show the "Playing State" but rather the "Offline" state or such.
edited 1×, last 26.05.15 08:27:26 pm

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user ohaz has written
You should consider adding Shadowbans to US
This is one of the best ways of dealing with trolls and attention-seekers. Not only will they feel like shit when they don't get any responses, they will also be absolutely devastated upon finding out that they have been shadowbanned for a long time.

Adding a rule about not replying to troll/attention threads should also help.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

@user J192: A little bit consideration would make it clear for you. I'm sure he tried to say something but phrased it wrong. It was said by DC earlier that the less rules there are, the better.

In my opinion, this does not mean that no rules would be best but that the rules shouldn't constrain the user and only the ones that are totally necessary should be there.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

Bug or not but I found really weird this...

When I typed the password incorrectly, trying again, clicking in a file and clicking "Okay" to remove Failed Login Attempts it's giving me this error like in the image that I posted in the spoiler above.
Is this just a little bug or what?


Same goes for threads too by doing same thing as in files.
edited 3×, last 02.06.15 02:11:18 pm

Admin/mod comment

Just tested, I get the same result. /user Rainoth
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