
Do you like this mod?
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Yeah! | 88.89% (40) | |
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45 votes cast
edited 2×, last 04.06.12 08:54:52 am
Share your beautiful screenshots/videos and show me bugs if there are errors or inaccuracies - please send me log-file and screenshots or videos to fix it.

I'll try to write the most important changes in new versions - but I can not promise because it is boring.
Share your beautiful screenshots/videos and show me bugs if there are errors or inaccuracies - please send me log-file and screenshots or videos to fix it.
Share your beautiful screenshots/videos and show me bugs if there are errors or inaccuracies - please send me log-file and screenshots or videos to fix it.
did you used up all of your time to make this

edited 7×, last 17.10.12 06:11:11 pm

Only one man offered his map and I'll add it in the next update

At this point, we decided to postpone the updates and improvements.

Play and have fun.
Problems occur when you run the game on any platform other than Windows.
The reason for this is probably the new lighting system. Try to turn it off.
(I hope in next version DC fixed some bugs in it)
From Russia with love.

edited 4×, last 01.01.13 11:26:46 pm
Admin/mod comment

We would like to start TDT(Top down tournament) based on QA2D mod - there are some bonuses(like baseball caps, T-shirts, mugs, badges, ...) and money prizes for winners.

edited 8×, last 03.11.12 02:16:01 pm
Admin/mod comment

To install and play mod - unzip archive into folder with the original cs2d client and then run QA2D.bat
Found an old early alphatest video(6 apr 2012) with 4 players with our russian voices in Skype:





Due our tests revealed many bugs, so I hope someone will offer videos with current version of this mod.
edited 4×, last 12.01.15 08:24:36 pm

And shotgun uses M3 sound. I alerady have Q3arena so all i got to do is copy the shotgun sound file