Should DC add searching users by their USGN IDS?ULtiMa User Offline 07.09.11 03:16:32 pm The title says it all. Why? So many admins in a server can easily know what is their USGN name and ither infomation. Vote!
Re: Should DC add searching users by their USGN IDS?Vectarrio User Offline 07.09.11 03:17:56 pm you could just change userid in the url
Re: Should DC add searching users by their USGN IDS?ULtiMa User Offline 07.09.11 03:19:43 pm @Vectar666 I know that but its kinda hard when you first open your browser its blank then go to then find that. D:.
Re: Should DC add searching users by their USGN IDS?Apache uwu User Offline 07.09.11 03:20:09 pm Woah wait you didn't know? I thought everyone knew. yeah userid=xxxxx
Re: Should DC add searching users by their USGN IDS?medeiros User Offline 07.09.11 03:21:18 pm Why not?
Re: Should DC add searching users by their USGN IDS?ULtiMa User Offline 07.09.11 03:21:44 pm I said i know but its kinda hard because that first thing that pops on your browser is a new tab. >.<
Re: Should DC add searching users by their USGN IDS?Banaan User Offline 07.09.11 04:17:23 pm It's even faster than a using a 'user search' (you have to load only one page, really straight forward)
Re: Should DC add searching users by their USGN IDS?SQ Moderator Offline 07.09.11 05:46:34 pm ULtiMa has writtenI said i know but its kinda hard because that first thing that pops on your browser is a new tab. >.< Yeah, Unrealsoftware's page doesn't open on it's own as well. I can't decide what's faster, editing URL or input field of search function. Although, you can also search here: