I don't think you can make NPCs do anything, you can make bots walk and turn, but not NPCs... Correct me if I'm wrong.
I personally would like the ability to create projectiles - set their position, rotation, maybe speed, and respective arguments for the 'projectile' hook. That would be cool IMO.
Waypoints for env_sprites Water that we players can swim Vehicles that we can use/drive. remote controlled C4. IN Battlefield 2 1st aid kit.(for healing teammates) Laser turrets
In the editor, there should be a function nin env_explosion (I hope I got that right), that decides wether the explosion gets curtailed or not, and maybe another function on mp_curtailedexplosions, which then allows the explosions to work as they are meant to in the map.
How about a setting for adjusting weapons rate of fire. If this was implemented then a safe value would be recommended, like 10 or 25 in milliseconds just like some map entities. I'd set a maximum rate of fire to 10000ms, that means ten seconds due to that there is sniper rifles in CS2D's weapon arsenal.
I'm talking about how fast each weapon fires because I feel that certain weapons fire at a quite slower rate and some in a quite faster rate therefor I'd love to customize the rate of fire since then you could increase the AK-47 weapon's rate of fire or perhaps the sniper rifle to fire at a slower or quicker rate, so it's just a useful suggestion that I'm doing here. I hope it's possible to implement and I hope it sounds fair to be added into CS2D.