file = io.open("File.txt","w") file:write("text") file:close()
file = io.open("File.txt","w") file:write("text") file:close()
file = io.open("File.txt","w") file:write("text") file:close()
writeFile("[i]*filename.extention*[/i], "[i]what to write[/i]", "[i]*mode[/i]*)
fileWrite(path,data) 	local file = io.open(path,"w") 	if type(data) == "table" then 		for i,v in ipairs(data) do file:write(v) end 	else 		file:write(data) 	end 	file:close() end fileWrite("my_epic_file.txt","hi") fileWrite("my_second_file.txt",{"Hi ","I'm ","Writing ","To ","a ","text ","file"})
addhook("walkover", "wo") addhook("menu", "_menu") function wo (i, item) 	if ( item == 64 ) then 		menu(id, "Pickup Item?, Medkit|(1)") 		return 1 	elseif ( item == 65 ) then 		menu(id, "Pickup Item ?, Bandage|(1)") 		return 1 	else 		return 0 	end end function _menu(i, title, b) 	if ( title == "Pickup Item?") then 		if b == 1 then 			parse("equip "..i.." 64") 		end 	elseif ( title == "Pickup Item ?") then 		if b == 1 then 			parse("equip "..i.." 65") 		end 	end end
plt=player(0,"table") function ritem() 	pli=playerweapons(i) 	for i=1,plt and w=1,pli and ii=1,90 do 		if item(ii,"exists") then 	parse("strip "..plt[i].." "..pli[w]) 	parse("equip "..plt[i].." "..pli[w]) 	end 	break end addhook("second","ritem2") rnum = math.random(2,6) sec = 0 rsec = math.random(1,rnum) function ritem2() 	sec = sec + 1 	if sec == 7 then 		sec = 0 	end 	if sec = rsec then 		ritem() 	end end
plt=player(0,"table") [b]-- plt will always be {} as there are no players at Lua init[/b] function ritem() 	pli=playerweapons(i) -- [b]i is nil[/b] 	for i=1,plt and w=1,pli and ii=1,90 do -- [b]incorect syntax: for pointer, max, step do[/b] 		if item(ii,"exists") then 	parse("strip "..plt[i].." "..pli[w]) 	parse("equip "..plt[i].." "..pli[w]) 	end [b]-- You're missing an end for the for loop[/b] 	break end addhook("second","ritem2") rnum = math.random(2,6) [b]-- You must seed the random generator first --[[-- math.randomseed(os.time());math.random() --]]--[/b] sec = 0 rsec = math.random(1,rnum) function ritem2() 	sec = sec + 1 	if sec == 7 then 		sec = 0 	end 	if sec = rsec then 		ritem() 	end end
timer(1000,'print','test') ... after some time timer(3000,'print','hi')
test ... after some time test hi