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English CPDT - A team for Program developers and programs.

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old CPDT - A team for Program developers and programs.

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What is the CPDT?
It stands for Computer Programming Dev Team, founded by kucalc and E_net4. The members of the team like developing programs. Our goal is to develop team programs and help members with their own, while learning from each other.

What knowledge is required for joining?
At least a bit of programming knowledge is recommended. We wouldn't want fruitless members on the team, would we?

How do I join?
Simply send an e-mail to - Email address (only visible with login) - or - Email address (only visible with login) - , telling us how much you know about programming and misc. You can also tell us why you'd like to join the team.

Also, visit out Assembla webpage.
edited 1×, last 23.11.08 09:06:19 pm
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