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Englisch Server Spamming?

24 Antworten
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alt Re: Server Spamming?

User Off Offline

Err, actually, you should know about it. That's definitely you in there...

Mehr >

If you just kick/ban every player saying stuff 10 times per second, I suppose it'd be less server intensive?

alt Re: Server Spamming?

Admin Off Offline

Textual Context: lol yeah.. wtf. why are you crashing servers that way? it's not cool, ***.
it's actually retarded random destructive shit. go to a psychiatrist please because something must be VERY wrong with you.

alt Re: Server Spamming?

Admin Off Offline

yeah I'll ban you for being a stupid asshole that crashs random servers just for fun. get a life. you are destroying the fun of other players by doing this crap. this is as bad as cheating - if not even worse.

alt Re: Server Spamming?

User Off Offline

eww this guy is spamming. lol. dont try to spam on a fruit server or better stop trying to spam at anythinh. anyway i got your ip.

my revenge will come! i will only rate for your uploaded files 4 stars instead of 5 muahahha!

edit: i forgot to tell you..: get a life
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