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English HomePack v2.0 - All-In-One Scripting Tool!

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old closed HomePack v2.0 - All-In-One Scripting Tool!

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v2.0 is a huge revamp, so let's get on with the description!


HomePack v2.0 attempts to make an all-in-one scripting tool and organizer for CS2D b for the beginner and advanced player alike. HomePack allows you to create your very own scripts quickly and with ease with a very intuitive interface, and then adds them to the CS2D options page for easy binding! If you don't like your script, or made a mistake, no problem! You can easily delete any script you created and remove it from the CS2D options page!

HomePack includes a number of generators to automate creating common scripts. However, if the ones included are too restricting, HomePack can import your custom scripts. Importing your own scripts to HomePack allows you to keep them organized, and easily add them to the CS2D option page.

So, if beginner, experienced, scripter or non scripter, HomePack can help you!

• 6 included script generators
. • Buy: Create your own buy scripts!
. • Custom: Import your own scripts to HomePack!
. • Message: Team/public/server messages at the press of a key!
. • Name: Change names on the fly!
. • Radio: Bind radio commands to a button. If you want, you can attach messages to them too!
. • Team: Change to any player/team with a keystroke!
• All scripts are bindable and re-bindable through the CS2D options page!
• Very simple, and intuitive interface

Version Changes
Added: Players can now import custom scripts into HomePack
Added: Message script generator
Added: Name script generator
Added: Team script generator
Added: Radio script generator
Added: Help menu
Added: File name/script name relationship table on main menu
Added: Pages and bounds - nothing can scroll off the page now!
Added: Auto buy equivalent - automatically buys equivalent weapon. Option to turn on and off
Added: Announce loadout - announces important weapons and equipment to teammates. Option to turn on and off
Added: Pictures of weapons when you use the buy script generator
Added: tables/pages animate when changing.
Added: different sounds depending on what weapons/equipment you purchase.

Changed: Names on main menu are now shorter: i.e. "New Buy Script" got changed to "Buy"
Changed: ESC is always the required button to press to cancel/go back now, instead of "0"
Changed: The Delete menu is now incorporated into the main menu.

Removed: About option on the main menu
Removed: Delete menu
Removed: TONS of miscellaneous bugs. Too many to remember or name.
edited 5×, last 02.04.07 01:34:01 am

old Re: HomePack v2.0 - All-In-One Scripting Tool!

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Marcio has written
buyscript is for nbs... ×

Not even, Marcio. It makes it easier for people to accomplish tasks that would otherwise take longer. What would you rather do: Press 10 keys every round to buy new equipment, or press one? Does pressing one key make you a noob? I don't think so.

If on the other hand you are referring to the buy script GENERATORS as being for noobs, I still have to disagree with you. I understand that if you use a bsg, you dont' have to know anything about scripting/binding, however, in either case, and like the first point i made, it makes things easier, and in turn, the game more enjoyable.

For example, compare MS Windows to DOS. MS Windows makes it easy for people to interact with the computer. so, because windows makes things quicker, and easier to do than DOS, does it make people using windows noobs? Again, I dont think so. I would say it makes them effecient, and smart.

Anyways, this is the first version of this program. all it is is JUST a buy script. It's intended to help out people who otherwise can't do it. I'm working on a new version, that intends to buy a script organizer. It will allow you to organize, and keep all your scripts in one place, and make them easily configurable through the options page. it will cater to those who think generators are noobish, by allowing you to organize the scripts you already have and add them to the options page of cs2d (who wouldn't want that!), and to those who havn't a clue to what there doing by itroducing a few more script generators ontop of the buy script generator - hence the name home PACK. I myself am using HomePack for al my scripting needs, and am having a blast doing it! It's so much fun. I can't wait till you see the next verson. it's very cool!

k.o.g has written
sry for my english

Don't be sorry! That was perfect! =D

old Re: HomePack v2.0 - All-In-One Scripting Tool!

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TheRealSephiroth has written
Yeah, Good job, but I still use the traditional 10 keys ;P
I am fast enough.

Me too...
And bind/script get advantage from other players...
That's why...

old Re: HomePack v2.0 - All-In-One Scripting Tool!

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marcio has written
And bind/script get advantage from other players

But they're advantages that are meant to be used - they are a legitimate part of the game.

For those of you who are getting erros, would you mind telling me when and where you got the errors, so I can try to fix them?


old Re: HomePack v2.0 - All-In-One Scripting Tool!

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Just a question...When you use the binded key, does it display what you bought? Or does it just say 'Script1 or M4A1 Loadout'? I find that it auctually gives you a disadvantage when you are shouting out what weapons you bought.

old Re: HomePack v2.0 - All-In-One Scripting Tool!

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Spadez has written
Just a question...When you use the binded key, does it display what you bought? Or does it just say 'Script1 or M4A1 Loadout'?

at the moment, it doesn' say anything, however, but that is a very good idea, and i think i will incorperate it in the next version! I'm not sure if you know this though, but when you create a buy script/loadout you can name it to whatevr you want. This name that you give it will be displayed for binding in the options page. If you don't give any name to your loadout, it defaults to scriptx where x is any number between 0 and however many scripts you have. Though, this is confusing, i agree. Maybe I will make it mandatory for people to enter a custom name for every script. What do you think?

Spadez has written
I find that it auctually gives you a disadvantage when you are shouting out what weapons you bought.

Having the option to say to your team what (important) weapons and equipment you have is another fabulous idea! I"m definatley incorperated that one! But, what do you mean by it giving you a disadvantage? You don't 'say' the weapons your buy in any way in the first place.

This is the kind of stuff I like guys! ideas and feedback! Please, I'm not going to bite. Tell me what you would like, what you dont' like, and your ideas.

old Re: HomePack v2.0 - All-In-One Scripting Tool!

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memory access failure on startup!
but i dont need this tool, my scripts are 'handmade'...just tested

Marcio has written
buyscript is for nbs... ×

you are noob if you cannot handle with scripts
it's a part of cs2d (and all the other CS games), so it can't be unfair √
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