wo man f2 drückt und voten kann, und dazu noch einen report system, das wenn ein spieler scheiße baut und die leute ihn dann reporten so das ich das mitbekommen kann.
yourUsgn = 129720 function stringSplit(inputstr, sep) 	if sep == nil then 		sep = "%s" 	end 	local t={} ; i=1 	for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do 		t[i] = str 		i = i + 1 	end 	return t end addhook("say","_say") function _say(id,txt) 	newTxt = stringSplit(txt) -- newTxt ist ein Array, mit den einzelnen Komponenten, also z.B. = {"!pun","1"} 	if newTxt ~= null and #newTxt == 2 then 			if newTxt[1] == "!report" and player(newTxt[2],"exists") then -- wenn befehl gefunden 				local file=io.open("sys/lua/report.txt","a+") 				file:write(os.time()..": "..player(newTxt[2],"name").." with USGN-ID "..player(newTxt[2],"usgn").."\n") 				file:close() 				return 1 			end 	end end
hc.add_say_command("kick", hc.moderation.kick_say_command, hc.MODERATOR1, "<id>", "Kick a player.")
function hc.moderation.kick_say_command(p, id) hc.exec(p, "kick " .. id) end
hc.add_say_command("report", hc.moderation.report_say_command, hc.USER, "<id>", "Report a player")
function hc.moderation.report_say_command(p, id) 	local file=io.open("sys/lua/report.txt","a+") 	file:write(os.time()..": "..player(id,"name").." with USGN-ID "..player(id,"usgn").."\n") 	file:close() end