LUA ERROR: sys/lua/movecs2d/customweps.lua:14: attempt to compare number with nil
Maybe i am using those special params wrong?
image("gfx\movecs2d\customweps\g36c.PNG",1,0,id+200) -- x = 1 and y = 0
function wepcheck(id,src,wpn,dmg,apdmg,rawdmg) 	if curwep == 1 then 		return 1 	end end
weaps = {1} (your hook blablabab) function wepcheck(id,source,weapon,dmg) 	for _, weapid in ipairs(weaps) do 		if player(source,"weapon")==weaps then return 1 		end 	end end
weaps = {1,2,3,25,1321312}
if curwep == 1 then
function wepcheck(id,src,wpn,dmg,apdmg,rawdmg) 	if src >=1 and src <= 32 then 		if curwep == 1 then 			local damg = 0 --(rawdmg + 100) 			parse("sethealth "..id.." "..player(id,"health") + damg) 			print("::Zadano "..tostring(damg).." obrazen graczowi o id "..tostring(id).." od gracza o id "..tostring(src).."::") 		return 1 		end 	end end
addhook("hit","_h") function _h(id,s,w,h,a,r) 	if w == 1 then 		return 1 	end end
parse("sethealth "..id.." "..player(id,"health")+h)
function wepcheck(id,src,wpn,dmg,apdmg,rawdmg) if src>0 and id>0 then if wpn == 1 then --- other code here return 1 end end end
function wepcheck(id,src,wpn,dmg,apdmg,rawdmg) if src>0 and id>0 then if wpn == 1 then --- other code here return 1 end end end
parse("sethealth "..id.." "..player(id,"health")+h)
function wepcheck(id,src,wpn,dmg,apdmg,rawdmg) 	--local damg = dmg 	--parse("sethealth "..id.." "..player(id,"health") + damg) 	print("::Zadano "..tostring(dmg).." obrazen graczowi o id "..tostring(id).." od gracza o id "..tostring(src).."::") 	return 1 end