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alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

Super User Off Offline

Clan Name: Infinity
Clan Tag: Infinity
Clan Leader: Buttercup/Bubbles/Alex/Zerkon/Anansy/Oberon
Total Members: None, alex screwed em all out.
Clan Website:
Other Information: Alex you will regret that you're threating your staff like crap. Other informations: All servers are hosted from his crappy laptop.
Place of Origin: Butt-ercum

(thats a serious announce, dont laugh at it, maybe at butterhead, but not at that announce)

regards XoOt
1× editiert, zuletzt 13.04.14 18:55:50

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

Infinite Rain
Reviewer Off Offline

user Xirot hat geschrieben
I don't give a shit

I lol'd even more.
user Yates hat geschrieben
People don't care and want to show they don't care, because they feel others will care about them not caring but no one does so actually no one cares.

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

Super User Off Offline

Want to write +1 to what infinite rain wrote above but i dont. Actually i did.. yolo.

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

Super User Off Offline

Buy a real gun and simply throw it into your monitor while cs2d is running. Works 100%.
-make sure it rly is your gun.
-check if the screen is big enough for it.
-its not my fault if it doesnt work. You may throw harder next time.
-sadly that you wont see the gun in cs2d anymore but atleast your gun.
-if you meant how to create a custom weapon for cs2d then follow the instruction the guy above me gave

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

Reviewer Off Offline

I enjoyed posting Xirot's root password.

(xirot123) -
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