Here you are. Don't forget to set an NPC because this only contains the script but not information like position or look of the NPC. You also have to set the position the player will be teleported to and the toll.
CS2D Scripts Tibia level+moneyHere you are. Don't forget to set an NPC because this only contains the script but not information like position or look of the NPC. You also have to set the position the player will be teleported to and the toll.
edited 1×, last 28.08.13 04:00:24 pm
2.steroid rune:
edited 1×, last 28.08.13 08:23:47 pm
this should work
and I got error :
LUA ERROR: sys/lua/cs2dtibia/functions.lua:915: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
and your wind rune says
LUA ERROR: sys/lua/cs2dtibia/items.lua:103: attempt to call local 'image' (a string value)
And when I want to remove a item with removeitem(targetid,-itemid[,amout,tell]) it says that my invenory is full
edited 2×, last 28.08.13 07:14:48 pm
edited 1×, last 28.08.13 09:05:20 pm
local imgid=image(img,x,y,2,id)
necro after I use the steroid rune it still appears on my inventory and the image doesn't appears on the screen
if it doesnt work this means at some point of the script a string is saved to "image".
2 ways wich could solve the problem: the function from _G("_G.image" instead of "image") but this doesnt work if it is saved to the global variable image.
2. if 1 doesnt work just remove the image
edited 1×, last 29.08.13 09:26:44 am
It should draw the two images "path" and "path2" to the head-up-display of every player who gets a level up. It removes the 2 images automatically after "dtime" milliseconds.
This adds movement scaling and rotation to both images.
For any of these varibale "s" is the start and "e" is where it ends up after "dtime" ms.
image 2 will start at 50,50 and stay there
image 2 will start with it's original size and it grow to the double of it's original size
image 1 will start with an angle of 0° and ends up with an angle of 0°