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Englisch Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Infinite Rain
Reviewer Off Offline

@user Nem:
Go to And you can get info there.
In Starbound almost everything is random generated (planets, ores on the each planet, terrain, trees, weapons, monsters.)
You obviously don't know shit about Starbound.

Here are some random generated guns:


Yeah, sorry for off topic, I'm going to stop it now.
1× editiert, zuletzt 27.05.13 22:37:42

alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user Infinite Rain hat geschrieben
@user Nem:
Go to And you can get info there.
In Starbound almost everything is random generated (planets, ores on the each planet, terrain, trees, weapons, monsters.)
You obviously don't know shit about Starbound.

Why do i need that, i just wait till it would be aviable to download and i finally would enjoy the surprise.
(I was 4th in "4pack" thx to my friend, so everything is damn legal in that sentence :p)
It will be random, sure, yeah. But as i said before, there still a "basis" in code which will determine how the gun and shit would be made. Even if it's a full random.
Now, please, stop your offtopic crap, seriously, i just mentioned it as example, and there you shows up with a tons of needless crap.

alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin On Online

Please stay on topic. This thread is not about Starbound.

I'm not planning to sell anything that gives you real in-game advantages because I think it's unfair and lame. Buy-able in-game stuff which just changes the look is an option though. Same for specials like early alpha access or getting your idea/concept for an item/building/whatever realized in Stranded III.

The price for Unity3D is quite high for a free indie game but I can theoretically afford to buy it. For that reason you don't have to worry about this point too much.

alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user DC hat geschrieben
Please stay on topic. This thread is not about Starbound.

I'm not planning to sell anything that gives you real in-game advantages because I think it's unfair and lame. Buy-able in-game stuff which just changes the look is an option though. Same for specials like early alpha access or getting your idea/concept for an item/building/whatever realized in Stranded III.

The price for Unity3D is quite high for a free indie game but I can theoretically afford to buy it. For that reason you don't have to worry about this point too much.

I'm glad we share that opinion, and thanks for clearing things up.

alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user DC hat geschrieben
Please stay on topic.

99.9% of users did not see these words.

user DC hat geschrieben
I'm not planning to sell anything that gives you real in-game advantages because I think it's unfair and lame. Buy-able in-game stuff which just changes the look is an option though.

Terraria, for example. If you buy a collector's edition you get an useless in-game bunny that follows you everywhere and a plastic pickaxe for your keychain. Who loves a game will buy this kinda stuff. Same with TF2 hats - no use, but prestige. Not everybody understands them, but the rest would give an amount of money that is damn too high just to have one of them.

Make it cool. Make it easy to buy. Earn cash       *the smiley of the -------- strikes again*
Or just make the "Donate" button bigger. In the main menu of the game, of course. The player base would be big enough for such a great game.

alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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There's an option to get Unity3D Pro for $75/Month.
Depending on how long you're planning on using Unity this might be a cheaper alternative.

Though, if you're planning on using it more than a year, it might be better to just get a licence.

12 months would be $900.
20 months would be $1,500, which is the prize of a permanent licence.

Just wanted to throw that out there, in case you didn't know.


There's also the option of resellers if you want to get Unity cheaper.
For example, BlueGFX offers Unity for $1,400 and that's saving $100
1× editiert, zuletzt 28.05.13 10:30:42

alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin On Online

I'm aware of this but I prefer owning things. Especially in this case because I plan to use Unity3D not only for Stranded III but also for future games + I need it for patches and updates of Stranded III. Renting software is not an option.

But as stated before: This is not a problem and we shouldn't continue to discuss this topic in the dev blog thread.

alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user DC hat geschrieben
I'm aware of this but I prefer owning things. Especially in this case because I plan to use Unity3D not only for Stranded III but also for future games + I need it for patches and updates of Stranded III. Renting software is not an option.

But as stated before: This is not a problem and we shouldn't continue to discuss this topic in the dev blog thread.

Okay, sorry DC. Just wanted to let you know.

Btw, is there an easy way to find the dev blog? ._.
I'm either blind or it isn't visible in the portal nor any other easy-to-find page.
I don't want to bookmark it, as my bookmark list is already full of stuff, including this website's portal.

If the case is that I'm blind, please pardon me and tell me how to find it easily, if not you should probably put a link to it in the portal or something

alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

dead soul
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user VapidLinus hat geschrieben
Btw, is there an easy way to find the dev blog? ._.
I'm either blind or it isn't visible in the portal nor any other easy-to-find page.
I don't want to bookmark it, as my bookmark list is already full of stuff, including this website's portal.

If the case is that I'm blind, please pardon me and tell me how to find it easily, if not you should probably put a link to it in the portal or something

you have a link on first page of this topic

alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

Perhaps you should get people to preorder the first playable version for 1 or 2 dollars and once beta comes out only then can people get the game free... Im sure hundreds of people will buy this just to be able to play it sooner, this way the donations will help you afford Unity pro for an easy price

This seems to be the most reasonable way to do it...

PS. DC shouldn't you start selling your games as an Indie developer, if you ever think about this... you should at some stage put SIII and future projects on websites like Steam, no doubt this will give you games and website a Huge boost if you sell your games real cheap on places like steam.

alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

Maybe lets shut up about selling the game??? user DC allready 20+ times said that he won't sell anything...

     Jeez... if you worry about his financial situation, then lets simply click on ALL ads! JEEZ!

alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Super User Off Offline

for some reason I see this thread drifting into off-topic again and again.
so here's my suggestion:

@user DC: why not just open a Stranded 3 forum section where everyone who wishes to discuss different aspects of the game already can do so over there while this thread here can be kept clean with comments about the development blog.

now I dont suppose that it would already need (many) sub-forums in the beginning like S2 and cs2d have but some place to create multiple threads would still be nice.

alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

*comes back after a year of not playing stranded 2...


I actually thought you abandoned Stranded 3... DC...

But nope... Your still working on it. (i think)
Well i do have to say.

Well done, you have put up with questions and suggestions and yet your still here and working on the games. (most would have given up long ago) but nuh you didnt so....


My thoughts:
For the whole money paying thing...
I reckon make the
...alpha free
... beta is for forum users only
... full-release you have to pay for

although its completely up to you DC.
that's just how id do it? :shrugs:

Stranded 3 ...(if done right)
is going to look....

this pic is from the unity3d engine thingy...

now if thats what the terrain could look like^^^
then this could be something big.

Talking about something big:

DC if you work real hard on this and make it have Multi-player and really good graphics and....
ya know.. lots o' good stuff!

This could turn out to be a game very similar to a AAA game.

Fame could be just around to corner.. (although its probably already here)...

anyway good luck... safe journey.. and all that.


alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

Thats true, but lets remember that there are still old school computers(like mine) are out there...
Plus, that would take a LOT of time, He might have to buy or download those models(unless there is a skilled modeller with him). Not saying that it shouldn't be done though
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