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English Whats wrong with yahoo answers ?

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old Whats wrong with yahoo answers ?

BANNED Off Offline

Title says all. Whats wrong with them.

If someone including me asks question than someone will answer on something completly else.

For example i asked for game recorder for pc.

One guy started to talk about xbox recorder to record how i play on xbox and than transfer it on PC.

Wtf is that ? I asked something completly else. Than community picks it as the best answer.

This was one of my latest questions so i remeber this one only. But i also remeber that there is tons of of topic answers on yahoo.

Can anybody tell me what is this supposed to be ? Or should i throw yahoo away and go somewhere else.

old Re: Whats wrong with yahoo answers ?

Reviewer Off Offline

Go somewhere else. In fact, go and search, there are tons of threads about recording stuff on your pc.
edited 1×, last 01.09.11 02:54:42 pm

old Re: Whats wrong with yahoo answers ?

User Off Offline

Or you could get some answers here. People here are more informative and polite. but anyway, its not yahoo answers the is f*cked up. Its their community.

old Re: Whats wrong with yahoo answers ?

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user Erik963 has written
Title says all. Whats wrong with them.

If someone including me asks question than someone will answer on something completly else.

For example i asked for game recorder for pc.

One guy started to talk about xbox recorder to record how i play on xbox and than transfer it on PC.

Wtf is that ? I asked something completly else. Than community picks it as the best answer.

This was one of my latest questions so i remeber this one only. But i also remeber that there is tons of of topic answers on yahoo.

Can anybody tell me what is this supposed to be ? Or should i throw yahoo away and go somewhere else.

Spambot or just a user who mistakenly posted on your question. Yahoo! answers is written by users, what else do you expect?

old Re: Whats wrong with yahoo answers ?

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user Doberman has written
You can always use WikiAnswers >

Also, are you sure you typed out your question correctly? (link if possible) I'm just hoping you didn't put "how do I record onto a PC" or something along those lines.

I am sorry but i have allready deleted inbox and i cant remeber the question correctly. Thanks for the help tho.

But i got some problems with wiki answers too.

I was searching for answer about mods for one game.
One guy sent answer and answerd and sent site. I clicked on site and realised it was some kind of... porno gay site. I am sorry to say that.

@textual contest

I was using wegame. Its great recorder but it has low quality and problems with sound. Configuring sound recording in wegame is a bit difficult. I managed to do that but durring recording i hear strange "echo sound". It makes hard to hear.

old Re: Whats wrong with yahoo answers ?

User Off Offline

I blame the points system for that.. You get 2 points for answering.. Thats the fastest way to get from level1 to level2 .. and the sad part is that real useful answers gets thumbs down.. or get reported.. then its Yahoo! violation blah

old Re: Whats wrong with yahoo answers ?

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user Erik963 has written
I was searching for answer about mods for one game.
One guy sent answer and answerd and sent site. I clicked on site and realised it was some kind of... porno gay site. I am sorry to say that.

You do realise you can hover your mouse over the links to see where it links to?

Example >

That links to the CS2D website but is disguised.

Also, you can try and use Fraps for recording. I hear it's pretty decent for what it is. There aren't that many free ones that will provide good video or sound quality, so you're best off looking around first for a decent program.
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