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Englisch My new facebook page

13 Antworten
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alt Re: My new facebook page

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OMFG! HAHAHAHA! You post here about a facebook page, your personal FAcebook page?! OMFG LMFAO! Seriously, why the yhell did you put this here? Really, why?! Lol, Crazyx is hearing about this, lol!

alt Re: My new facebook page

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Ooookkk??? So what? All your doing is giveing your page publisity...This thread is probly goning to get closed. Also it would be nice if you learned grammar. (It was an e, I fail...)
2× editiert, zuletzt 14.10.10 04:12:01

Admin/Mod Kommentar

To be fair, you did spell grammar wrong :P. Since there's no personal info, it's okay to leave this open. /Lee

alt Re: My new facebook page

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Doctor Freeman hat geschrieben
Im not goofing I just said if you can Like my page = =, I think DannyDeth your crazy, I thought your smarter...

Dude, like seriously, think about it: "I have made a FAcebook page, let me go and post it in a forum!"

Now do i sound insane? Seriously, an extremely strange thing to do, but i guess i shouldn't judge until I have actually read it...


Ok! My final verdict...

This is the most pointless thing I have ever seen!

There, this time coming from me before the abuse of alcohol.

EDIT: First of all, you say this, to say that you thought i was smarter than some people.
Doctor Freeman hat geschrieben
I thought your smarter...

I thought your smarter? No, don't come and call me crazy, if you can't even spell/create a grammatically correct sentence. It is "I thought you were smarter...", not what you wrote. Trust me, I know the English language more than anything ( even better than C )

alt Re: My new facebook page

Doctor Freeman
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If this thread is none sense I'll just delete it, I don't care if your an English top one on class, And That facebook page took me 24 hours all night to finish it..

There's nothing wrong with a super minor wrong in grammar.. Its just were, There is nothing with minor wrong sentences...!

EDIT: Oh yeah your being boastful in your smart grammar sentence. And you didn't evenly make a single sprite,sound, or map in this site..!!

alt Re: My new facebook page

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Doctor Freeman hat geschrieben
If this thread is none sense I'll just delete it, I don't care if your an English top one on class, And That facebook page took me 24 hours all night to finish it..

There's nothing wrong with a super minor wrong in grammar.. Its just were, There is nothing with minor wrong sentences...!

EDIT: Oh yeah your being boastful in your smart grammar sentence. And you didn't evenly make a single sprite,sound, or map in this site..!!

Neither have you dumbass, I answer a lo of questions, i f you haven't noticed. And by the way:
Doctor Freeman hat geschrieben
@Active Dragon, I didn't waste my time. It just took me 30 seconds to do it.

If only you used your brain before you opened your mouth, you could of made a very convincing argument on your side. Plus, I have other things to do than post skins, models, etc on here, I have to study for university too, unlike you.

alt Re: My new facebook page

Doctor Freeman
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DannyDeth hat geschrieben
If only you used your brain before you opened your mouth
I didn't Open my mouth , This time my hot temper is gone. Because my Dad bought a Half-Life 2 Ultimate Edition 7 IMG:

alt Re: My new facebook page

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Doctor Freeman hat geschrieben
DannyDeth hat geschrieben
If only you used your brain before you opened your mouth
I didn't Open my mouth , This time my hot temper is gone. Because my Dad bought a Half-Life 2 Ultimate Edition 7 IMG:

Dribble* "Give me Master... Give me!!!"
Nice Sorry fro flaming you, I was trying to prove a point. ( I always do )
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