08.03.12 All this time map was unupdated :) Sorry guys, now it`s really got max2 version
You can use zmToxicHouse2max.png tiles for your own map (but say that some textures by me :D)
Hi all, after passing few months I`m update this map. Now I fix all bugs which I find. If you`ll find MOAR bugs - PM me.
1. Map update for playing with Zombie Plague script
2. Wrong shadows somewhere
3. Small bugs
4. Map briefing colors
1. More wrenches
2. +2 secrets to map (Find `em all!)
P.S. Viva la potatos
edited 17×, last 16.04.16 06:01:56 pm
Approved by Leiche
165 kb, 2,486 Downloads