It is small aim map, made in style of map de_aztec.
Both teams spawn on opposite sides of a rectangular courtyard. Obstacles presents as boxes and stone blocks, near spawns there many AK47 and M4A1 at floor. Between the teams spawns there is an open space in center of which there are two bulletproof kevlar vests and MP5.
Also, behind team spawn is flat ramp, on edges of which there are two AWP.
Despite rather impressive size of original map, I tried to reduce its size for more comfortable game.
Now map is rotated to horizontal view, changed tileset - now it based on original textures and have 64*64 size, added 3D boxes, added lua script for ramps (need enable parameter mp_luamap 1)

edited 26×, last 26.05.17 10:47:07 pm
Approved by Seekay
307 kb, 652 Downloads