
> > CS2D > Maps > ctf_ruins_1.0

Englisch ctf_ruins_1.0 >

9 Kommentare6 kb, 398 Downloads

alt ctf_ruins_1.0

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>Hi all here is my new ctf map.It's not fully symmetrical but in some way it is

> Download and play before rating,thanks •

> You can edit it.
> You can upload it at some other sites but if you say im creator of map.
> You can't say it's your!

Thats all.
Zugelassen von GeoB99

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6 kb, 398 Downloads


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amazing map... i haven't words... Your maps are goods
Ich mag es!


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goods map,it's nice,how you worked?
Ich mag es!


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1 more master piece from you :p
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Thx map :D.Ill work on this map for sure


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You've started preety nice with the idea and tileset, but you also need to work a bit more on this map. It would be an awesome CTF map if you would edit it a bit and add some new stuff.

But, I'm gonna rate 5/5 to encourage you.
Ich mag es!


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Okay Shotty ill work on this map,and no i waned that there is always mystic sound,and in little bases there are triggers for team gates cuz maybe someone accidenlty turns it off,well ill work on this map there will be new version soon


Shotty Balle
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Hi Bexi,

this is your new map ...
Well first the good things:
- I like the idea with ruins
- No dust tilesets which would be very standard
- I like the layout and de darker passages which feels more realistic with these ruin stuff
- The spawns are safety. Maybe no respawnkills. Thats good!

Some things which could be better:
- I think theres a bug? When i play this map it loops the mystic sound. I think you only want to use it as startsound which would be cool
- in the middle parts are less covers. Mabye u should place some stones randomly like in a real ruin ...?
- I dont get why u triggered the teamgates with buttons. Nobody would deactivate them i think because they want the protection the whole time.

With some more work it would be an amazing map!

$hotty Balle
Ich mag es!


BANNED Off Offline

Wow nice map I like the form of it so 5/5
Keep the good work
Take a cookie for you're nice work cookie
Ich mag es!


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Very nice map! Can't see it being used in a Fruit|ctf map, but still nice. Work on the detail.
Ich mag es!
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